I’m Going to Ramble Now

Okay, so I was busy. Really busy. That’s why I missed an update last Firday, and am late with this one. Sorry!

I’m not sure who I’m apologizing to, as I don’t think more than one or two people read this, but I’m Canadian, it’s what we do.

So, I’m a nerd. If that hasn’t been made perfectly clear yet, I’ll just lay it on the table now. But I’m not just a little nerdy, I’m all kinds of nerdy. Literally. If Dan is NerdCubed then I’m at least to the 4th or 5th power. How am I a nerd? Let us count the ways: I like both Star Trek and Star Wars (like may not be a strong enough adjective, but we’ll go with it for now), I like comics and used to collect them (still read webcomics!), I love games (both board and computer), my preferred genre of literature is Sci-Fi/Fantasy, I play Dungeons and Dragons (since 2nd edition!), and I can go on. Do I need to go on? Okay, I will. Ready? I’m still in school. That’s right, I’m in grade 26 or so and still not quite done yet. Why? Because I like it. I’d like to think I’m good at it, but I just really like learning stuff.

Anyway, I’ve been busy, but I will be ready with the next update Friday. Prepare yourself for the next My Collection: we’re into my AC/DC catalogue.