Okay, so I’ve been gone for a while. It’s been a bit of a rough stretch, I’ve had some trouble adulting. Poor eating habits combined with lack of exercise have combined to make the last few weeks not good in the sleeping department, contributing to the mental health woes, but after a good run last night, I’m hoping I can get back on track. I might even have the next update a little early. So, on to the music…

Now, here we are at Highway to Hell. I’m not going to go through the tracks in too much detail, this is going to be a bit more about my overall feelings on the album. First off, I’m going to mention that I have a lot of trouble picking an all time favourite anything. My tastes change so much with my mood, that it’s tough enough to pick a top five anything, let alone favourite. This feeling is amplified in my musical taste as well. However, in this case, there is little doubt that Highway to Hell is my favourite AC/DC album. Talk about starting off right, with the title track an instant classic on side one, track one. While I would consider it one of only two truly stand-out tracks on the album, there are few weaknesses on it. It just fits together so well as an album, while maintaining a sense that every song is distinct and different. Something more modern albums have a lot of trouble doing. In my ratings of albums, this aspect of album creation gets a lot of credit. Making music is tough enough, being able to make a dozen different songs, and make them all sound unique is quite an accomplishment.

I find it ironic that one criticism of AC/DCs work in general is that they keep putting out the same album over and over again. I, of course, think this is abolute bollocks. It might hold a bit more weight in the Brian Johnson era, but in my humble opinion Bon Scott does not get enough credit for his writing contribution. While I think the overall song quality dropped a bit after Bon’s death, there is no doubt the Young boys and Mr. Johnson can still put out a rockin’ tune. Have they managed to get back to the album-craft that they achieved with Highway to Hell? Not really, but that’s okay. Not every hit needs to be a home run…