Title Goes Here

So I watched Star Trek: TNG as a kid. A lot. I never really liked Wesley Crusher. He annoyed me. I never really was able to sit through all of Stand By Me (even though I liked the novella). I think I really started to notice Wil Wheaton again in the PA DND podcasts. He joined the group in series two. Then I saw him a couple times in Big Bang Theory, and then on TableTop from Geek & Sundry. It was then that I think I really began to appreciate him. Now that I’m following him a bit more, specifically on his blog, I am realizing just how much I really like and respect the man. I empathize greatly with his most recent post, it seems to echo so much how I feel about my own work.

I suppose a lot of my own struggles with mental health revolve around my studies. Studying psychology one is presented with the problem of constantly thinking “that sounds like how I feel” while at the same time wondering if you have munchausen syndrome. Do I actually feel like that, or am I just writing this on the intake form because I know it will catch their attention? I feel like Timothy Leary doing his intake tests for prison.

I’ve been in and out of therapy for over 20 years. I know I should be in therapy now. I’m not entirely sure why I’m not. Well, I know why I’m not going to see a therapist at the school, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t see anyone.

I’d like to finish off with something witty, but I got nothin’.

Anyway, feel better soon Wil…