Title Goes Here

So I watched Star Trek: TNG as a kid. A lot. I never really liked Wesley Crusher. He annoyed me. I never really was able to sit through all of Stand By Me (even though I liked the novella). I think I really started to notice Wil Wheaton again in the PA DND podcasts. He joined the group in series two. Then I saw him a couple times in Big Bang Theory, and then on TableTop from Geek & Sundry. It was then that I think I really began to appreciate him. Now that I’m following him a bit more, specifically on his blog, I am realizing just how much I really like and respect the man. I empathize greatly with his most recent post, it seems to echo so much how I feel about my own work.

I suppose a lot of my own struggles with mental health revolve around my studies. Studying psychology one is presented with the problem of constantly thinking “that sounds like how I feel” while at the same time wondering if you have munchausen syndrome. Do I actually feel like that, or am I just writing this on the intake form because I know it will catch their attention? I feel like Timothy Leary doing his intake tests for prison.

I’ve been in and out of therapy for over 20 years. I know I should be in therapy now. I’m not entirely sure why I’m not. Well, I know why I’m not going to see a therapist at the school, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t see anyone.

I’d like to finish off with something witty, but I got nothin’.

Anyway, feel better soon Wil…

I’m Going to Ramble Now

Okay, so I was busy. Really busy. That’s why I missed an update last Firday, and am late with this one. Sorry!

I’m not sure who I’m apologizing to, as I don’t think more than one or two people read this, but I’m Canadian, it’s what we do.

So, I’m a nerd. If that hasn’t been made perfectly clear yet, I’ll just lay it on the table now. But I’m not just a little nerdy, I’m all kinds of nerdy. Literally. If Dan is NerdCubed then I’m at least to the 4th or 5th power. How am I a nerd? Let us count the ways: I like both Star Trek and Star Wars (like may not be a strong enough adjective, but we’ll go with it for now), I like comics and used to collect them (still read webcomics!), I love games (both board and computer), my preferred genre of literature is Sci-Fi/Fantasy, I play Dungeons and Dragons (since 2nd edition!), and I can go on. Do I need to go on? Okay, I will. Ready? I’m still in school. That’s right, I’m in grade 26 or so and still not quite done yet. Why? Because I like it. I’d like to think I’m good at it, but I just really like learning stuff.

Anyway, I’ve been busy, but I will be ready with the next update Friday. Prepare yourself for the next My Collection: we’re into my AC/DC catalogue.


If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

Invitation by Shel Silverstein

So I went and did it. I had been thinking about it for quite some time, threatening it for a little while, and now I’ve done it. This is my blog. Well, my grown-up blog. I had (have) a LiveJournal account that’s still kicking, but it’s pretty painful for me to read now. This is something different. Less diary, more writing. That’s really what this is all about, writing. I don’t think I’m very good at it, and in taking the advice of my favourite author, I’m going to work on getting better by writing more. Yes, there are going to be errors. Punctuation, spelling (less likely, but nonetheless), syntax, sentence structure, etc. I’m probably going to irritate someone at some point. Hell, I irritate myself sometimes. But I’ve got a plan…

So I’m thinking I’ll do several different types of posts, posting something twice a week. I think I’m going to do Tuesdays and Fridays. I can’t say how long each post will be, and I surely cannot guarantee any quality, but it should be interesting. To me at least…

So, types of posts: I have always wanted to write about music, so one type will be me talking about albums in My Collection. I know the previous statement dates me, but I still much prefer obtaining my music through albums. There is something about the song selection and overall composition of an album I find appealing. The possibility of unearthing a hidden gem. The way one song can flow into the next. The anticipation of the next song.

The next type of post will be what I’m going to call In Defense of. This is going to be where I take something, usually a movie but not limited to that, and talk about why I think it has a bum rap. I might think of it as under-rated, or it might actually by bad, but I’m going to try and argue why it should be at least appreciated. Look for the year end In Defense of My Blog in December…

And finally, you, my dear reader, will get to read my Ramblings. These will be my mind-wanderings. Probably my own personal written versions of Flula’s two minute videos. These will probably be when I haven’t prepared, or don’t want to write, a real post. Yeah, these might be most of my posts.

So, onward. I have lies to tell. Lies, damned lies, and statistics…